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131 East Perry St.
Tiffin, Ohio 44883
Phone: 419-447-3191

Pastoral Update

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Full disclosure, I am a romantic at heart. I enjoy rom-coms and singing songs about Love. I enjoy reflecting on the different aspects of Love. Maybe this is why I am part of a religion that bases so much of what it does on Love. With this said, I don't want what I am about to say to come off in the wrong way. 


Sometimes, this time of year, I get a little tired of being surrounded by the parade of red and pink hearts, sugary sweets, and commercialized sentimentality. Sometimes, I get a little tired of being pandered to as a consumer. Sometimes, the way love is portrayed in our culture, misses the mark and actually pushes us off the mark. This is why, with my dander sufficiently raised, I thought it a good time to reflect on what Love means in Christianity. As we heard in worship a few weeks ago, in Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s Christmas sermon on peace, New Testament Greek describes love in three different ways. As Dr. King writes, 


"The first is eros. Eros is a sort of aesthetic, romantic love...the yearning of the soul for the realm of the divine...Some of the most beautiful love in all of the world has been expressed in this way. [Second] philos is a kind of intimate love between personal friends...[Third] agape is more than romantic love, it is more than friendship. Agape is understanding, creative, redemptive goodwill toward all men...When you rise to love on this level, you love all men not because you like them, not because their ways appeal to you, but you love them because God loves them."


I think it is wonderful that all three are found in our scriptures. Each describes different aspects and qualities of the relationships we have with others. Each is sacred, a gift from God, and capable of releasing love energy out into the world. 


I wonder, though, as these loves are monetized by our culture, how might we reclaim them for sacred purposes? How might our romantic loves and friendships also honor our Creator, the source of Love? How might these mirror the self-giving, compassionate, and restorative mutuality that is Godself?


Then, I wonder, how can we build each other up to practice this agape love that is able to love even those we loathe?


I'd watch that rom-com! 

Peace and Love, 

Pastor Karsten

Music notes

Music Report for Trinity Calling January 2025


All our music groups are ready for 2025! We have chosen music for the new year, and are planning ways to enhance our worship at Trinity.  If you have an interest in singing or playing handbells or guitar, and would like to become more involved in our church, please consider joining one of our performing groups. We are always looking for new members, and any time is a good time to join us! 


Chancel Choir, directed by Vicki Ohl, rehearses on Sunday mornings 9-10 a.m. in the 3rd floor Music Room. We sing for the 10:30 a.m. traditional service weekly. The Handbell Choir, directed by Lynn Huenemann, rehearses in the sanctuary on Tuesday evenings, 6:45-7:30 p.m. They play during the 10:30 service every month. And the Praise Band, directed by Pat Powers, rehearses in the sanctuary Tuesday evenings, 5:45-6:30 p.m. They offer music for the 8:30 am contemporary service every week.


If any of these opportunities intrigue you, you may contact the directors, call the church office (419-447-3191)–or just show up at our next rehearsal. 

Sound System Upgrade

As you read this article, you will have noticed that construction of the sound booth has started and possibly finished.

The next step will be installing the new sound equipment and moving some of the current equipment to the sanctuary level. I anticipate this work to be done close to the end of February. The Sound Team really appreciates the support of our Church members for making this project a reality. Thank you for your commitment to Trinity Church.

Pat Powers and the Trinity Sound Team



Did you know that you can earn money for the church just by buying groceries?    Use your existing digital Kroger Plus Shopper’s Card (or sign up for a free Kroger Plus shopper’s card) to convert a percentage of your grocery spending into a donation to the church.        

Go to the website; Community; Kroger Community Rewards; 

• Create a digital account and pick your preferred Kroger store; 

• link your Kroger Plus shopping card to a selected organization (in this case click on Trinity United Church of Christ, Tiffin and enter the NPO. 

• Any transaction using the shopper’s card number associated with your digital account will be applied to the program at no cost to you. Quarterly contributions from your purchases will be forwarded to Trinity Church.     


FISH and the Sharing Kitchen are both important sources of food and supplies for many needy families in Tiffin and Seneca County. 

FISH is a volunteer organization that provides emergency food, prescription medications, utility assistance and sometimes transportation for residents of the city and county. They also organize a monthly drive-through distribution for the Ohio Food Bank out of Lima OH which serves over 200 families within a two-hour distribution time. 


The Sharing Kitchen provides noon meals at St. Paul’s Methodist Church to Tiffin residents who need food to support themselves. Local churches and civic organizations provide the staffing to prepare food and serve the food to the people that attend.

Trinity UCC continues to collect food and other necessary supplies by placing these items in the food box at the entrance door to the church. We still consider the first Sunday of each month as the day to bring food items, but you can bring them anytime during the month. FISH collects the food donated one month and then the Sharing Kitchen collects the donated items the next month.

Whether you contribute to the February Mission Emphasis with a financial donation or donate food and supplies to the church collection box, you are doing as Jesus did by turning the loaves and fishes into enough to feed all the people. An envelope is next to the offering plate near the ushers' stand.

FISH and the Sharing Kitchen 


FEBRUARY 15, 2025: Frost~Nixon (2008)

Sometimes our own history can be stranger than fiction. Witness the tale of one Richard Milhous Nixon, a discredited former President of the United States, who wants to set the record straight about his role in  history. Add one David Frost, television personality, who needs to elevate a sagging career with an exclusive interview! Watch in fascination as these two forces collide. History rocks with weird abandon!  With Michael Sheen as the upstart Frost, and Frank Langella as the strangely compelling Nixon, in a well-directed film by Ron Howard that was nominated for Best Picture. Frost-Nixon is a very interesting and sometimes ironic film to view given our presidential politics circa 2024.  

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President Larry Kisabeth called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. Larry Cook offered devotions. 

Beth McKibben-Nee has requested Trinity’s support as a “Member in Discernment” as she works toward becoming an ordained minister in the UCC. Council interviewed Beth for about 15 minutes. Approved to sponsor and support her discernment. 


Committee Reports 

Communications – seeking feedback on the new newsletter-by-email. Some members of Council have not yet received the January email. Further investigation is needed. 

Memorial and Gifts – recently purchased stand lights for bell choir music, just in time for Christmas Eve.


NWOA Cabinet – Planning will begin soon for the April 2026 NWOA meeting here.


Shepherd’s Family – planning church picnic on June 22, possibly again at FELC.

Pastor’s Report – PK shared recent activities in the church and community, including his work as Heidelberg Chaplain. Mission trip to Back Bay will happen in March 2025, with several local people joining PK. Lenten planning is underway. 

Old Business – The Livestream platform we use to broadcast on YouTube has gone out of business. A new encoder is being installed so our YouTube broadcast can return to normal.  The new sound system is still waiting for construction of the sound booth in the rear of the sanctuary. 


New Business – Volunteers were solicited for closing the building after church on Sundays, offering stewards, and communion servers. 

Annual Meeting of the congregation will be held on January 26, followed immediately by an organizational meeting of the Church Council, including election of officers for 2025.


Council Recognition Lunch will take place on Sunday, February 2, honoring outgoing Council members Dian Ewald and Fran Fleet, and outgoing Endowment member Roy Zinn. 

Next regular Council meeting is February 19, 2025, at 7:00 pm. Devotions by Larry Kisabeth. 

Submitted by 

Kurt Huenemann, Secretary


The tradition of having a light dinner prior to the Lenten Prayer Servces in March and April will be continued this year.  Watch for information to come!

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Dear Trinity UCC,

Thank you for your support of Church World Service and for sharing love, joy, peace, and prosperity throughout the year!

Merry Christmas

David Costellow

Dear TWT and Trinity Church,

Thanks so much for the Christmas card, flowers and treats. It really means a lot to me.

Kaye Beard


Dear Trinity,

Thank you for the beautiful vase of flowers given by Alan and Marsha Bilger and Karla Kash for delivering them. I am enjoying them. I always enjoy reading Trinity Calling too.

Bernie Durer


Dear Trinity,

Thank you to Jon and Dian Ewald for the beautiful Christmas flowers. Thanks also to Becky Grammer for delivering them. I was greatly appreciated.

Thanks again.

Judy Kneeskern


Dear Trinity,

FISH of Tiffin gratefully acknowledges your generous contribution and would like to express our gratitude for your support. Your gift is an expression of how much you care about the people in our community, especially those who find themselves in need of assistance.

John Gase

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